Yesterday while I was on I came across this adorable
Magical kingdom toddler - IG5526 inflatable it's so cute I can die! the colors and graphics of cute fairies are perfect! I love how the fairies look sweet, and not trashy at all. Seriously have you seen the girl dolls that have been coming out lately.......less clothes and more make up! but back to this adorable inflatable I love how they made this for toddlers, but it's also great for the crawling months and learning how to walk stages. This inflatable has pop ups which helps the child stand and climb with no risk of getting hurt. Also the low walls are easy access for parents to pull out there kids. I love the idea of these toddler units, they really are a great investment. Not only a toy but a safe environment for your baby to grow and develop motor skills, and play well into there toddler years. Oh and did I mention it has a cute little slide!