Monday, January 13, 2014

Can't get enough of Disney's Frozen!

Um….. am I the only one that is totally obsessed with the movie Frozen, OMG I laugh I cried, and laugh some more, with some singing too. I loved it! I had the bright idea of organization my niece a Frozen theme Birthday party. Like a winter Wonderland. I am so excited! Her birthday is at end of January. So Still Winter although in CALI we don’t have real winters. Anyways I found this Icy PlayYards which is perfect because she is turning 1. So She is learning to walk, and she crawls good so this play yard will give her tons to explore. With Pop-ups, tunnels, and mini speed bumps This will keep her and her tot friends entertain for hours. Also This goes so well with the Frozen wonderland theme. Awwww I love Happy Jump they seriously make the Best Theme Bouncers, with Safety in mind. As a helicopter mom safety is my number 1 concern. I have seen other company bouncers that have Wow Factors. But the reality is there not safe, and hells no would I ever use a company that dose not think of our children’s safety. Happy Jump has a great selection and keeps us Happy!