Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Yesterday on my day off my son got bored being alone at the house, while the other kids were at school. So I took him on a bike ride to the park, and it was such a beautiful day. Then when we got home I get online only to read how the rest of the country is freezing. I felt so bad and so grateful we have such beautiful weather here. It got me thinking what we would do if we lived in a snow area. My kid loves the outdoors. He’s at the park about 3 times a week. What do mothers do with there kids to keep them active? I spouse a game room would be a must have. My game room would defiantly have something like this 3 in 1 sports challenge. It has a soccer space, a Basketball hoop, and Foot Ball Space. This will keep them active engage in sports and not just on the couch playing video games. Kids get so bored easily. This 3 in 1 sports challenge will be a major help during those stay inside days.